Friday, 11 September 2009


真的有很久没有像写日记一样倾诉自己的心事了,因为总喜欢一个人慢慢消化心情与感触。昨天的教师节是个让人开心的日子,我怀着一点忐忑,一点紧张,兴奋和勇气回到了学校,那个沉淀了我情感的13中。 结果是令人激动的,老师伸出双臂热情欢迎了我,带给我莫大的鼓励和温暖。遇见了很多曾经教过我的老师,也见到了让我不自在的班主任,呵呵。非常非常高兴,我看到了我最想看的两个人,我的物理老师和第二位语文老师。真的是很意外,开始怎么都找不到他们,当我打算放弃的时候,Zhangwei就像从天上掉下来似的,突然出现在我的面前。我们俩都愣住了,站在距离5米远的地方,他渐渐向我走近。我很激动,因为我喜欢他,我从他提高的嗓门中也感受到他也兴奋。虽然我们只是简单问了问彼此的情况,可我真的很满足了,一开始根本不指望能遇上。要是有拜访者的名单,那里肯定没有他的名字,因为我没有勇气大大方方站在他的面前,心中因为冲动挣扎过无数次,但是我永远在他面前只会低下头,因为我是在那个没有自信的‘我自己’面前低下头。高中最遗憾的是我没能耐坚持,辜负了他对我的期望,辜负了自己。原来一直以为,我都努力到这份上了,能行,但真的不行,不行。所以当时要向自己的愚昧屈服,我不情愿但还是做了,所以现在尚存一口志气,否则只会显得自己更蠢。

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Macao 2 and Hongkong

In the center of this photo(3) ,it is a very famous historic site in Macao. The Ruins of St.Paul's (大三巴牌坊) refer to the facade of what was originally the Cathedral of St. Paul.Today,the ruins are one of Macau's most famous landmarks. In 2005, the Ruins of St. Paul were officially enlisted as part of the UNESCO.

  1. the ruins of St.Paul's (close shot)
  2. the sculpture in the museum(St.paul)大三巴天主教艺术博物馆
  3. the facade 大三巴牌坊
  4. a coffin chamber墓堂(主要埋葬了一些日本和越南的殉葬者)
  5. a painting
  6. emplacement (near the St.Paul)炮台

some old buildings and
Consulate General of Portugal in Macau(right corner)葡萄牙驻澳门总领事馆
In the afternoon ,we went to Hongkong by ferry.^^
At first, we went to Madame Tussauds.(wax figure gallery)香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆
As they said, exploring Madame Tusssauds is like riding an emotional roller coaster,experiencing the famous home of the famous.

000000000000000000000001.Bae Yong Jue 裴勇俊

000000000000000000000000000000000002.Jackie Chan 成龙

3.Teresa Teng, a past househood

singer in China. 邓丽君 000000000000000004.Bruce Lee李小龙 5.Andy Lau刘德华

Spend as kong as you want with stars like Jackie Chan, feel the beating heart of Andy Lau. Hah...

Some Chinese leaders, I am very excited.
My favorite actor, Johnny Depp!!

the beautiful night scene

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Macao 1

Duo to the bad weather, the flight delayed 2 hours, while mom and I arrived Macao in the evening at around 8:10 Aug 23. The neon lights lit up everywhere especially those casinos. It's very gorgeous and colorful. After putting down our luggage, we came to the street.
many shops and tourists
We bought some local snacks (手信), such as pignut brittle, almond cake,dried pork/beef slices. Then, we returned to the hotel.
The breakfast, we went to a chophouse and tasted their special food,prawn Wonton and noddle with shrimp eggs. The prown tasted very fresh and tender.The noodle was very thin and chewy. I like it, but a share of Wonton noodle need HK$42,the price is a little high to me.

It has very big differences between the old downtown and casinos.

Many religious people in Macao have different faiths.
Portuguese-style building
This is a private hospital.
The pedestrian street called 'Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro',the buildings and its road are beaudiful.
广场上的条纹路很有味道。(新马路--步行街) 亚美打利匹卢大马路