Saturday, 8 August 2009

lala-woo's hamster

Watch him run on his wheel, drink water, and eat the food you feed him by clicking your mouse. Click the center of the wheel to make him get back on it.


Anonymous said...

Soooooo... Cute!


gulf said...

hi,Allison,long time no see.:)
I just find it,very lovely,haha.

Rashai said...

I thought it was one of your homeworks :)

gulf said...

It's a pity,it isn't my homework.Actually I think I can't make it at present.I found it on someone's blog,than I got this gadget.Do you like it?

Rashai said...

I believe you will be able to make a better one, it's simple but cool!

Nonchanbkk said...

Hi gulf san,

Your cute hamster must be hungry:)
I feed him again and again but he has been waiting again:p

gulf said...

Hi nochan,
He need to do some sports.haha...I found he slept just now.he closed eyes:)